Wednesday 9 May 2012

Six People Dead in Salem

Marlena and John.  Bo and Hope.  Rafe and Carrie.  All dead.  Except they're not.

Who does that?!  So they all decided to go into hiding and let all of their loved ones believe that six family members have been murdered?!

Can you imagine if that happened to you?  OK, so the person comes back and you're thrilled to see them again, but what about the incredible traumatic time you went through?  It would be like:

"OMG you're alive!!!  I'm so happy to see you!!!  How could you let me believe that you were dead?!  You jerk, come here so I can kill you myself!"

Of course, this is all in an effort to catch Stefano Dimera, the root of all evil in Salem, USA.  A small town that has every amenity of the biggest of cities?  All this for some mystery coin, that holds the secret behind all that evil.  Da da dum (ominous music)

As I've been watching these past few days, it seems to me like we're setting up for a good old fashion DOOL who-dun-it?  Every one is out for blood, and the old man's about to bite the big one.  Well for a while anyway.  No one ever really dies in Salem unless the actor does, except for Isabella.  She must have really pissed someone off.

Anyway, I digress.

The suspects?  So far we have Will Horton, Brady Black, Victor Kiriakis and EJ Not-Dimera-Anymore, but I'm sure a few more will be added to throw us off.

I shouldn't have gotten myself started on the whole EJ's not a Dimera thing, because that story line is starting to insult my Days of our Lives intelligence.

Kristen and Tony were adopted, and he loved them just as much and used Tony as his right hand man.  Why would he turn his back on EJ after finding out he's not his biological dad?  I'm hoping the writers have some way to explain this, because if they don't it's just plain dumb.  My one theory is that he's actually discovered that EJ's real father is in fact a Horton.  (They can't really make him a Brady, that would make him a relative to Sami) Which makes EJ the enemy... so I guess it would make sense.

Well by sense, I mean make sense Days style.

Catch me tomorrow for more DOOL updates, comments, rants and laughs.

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