Monday 30 July 2012

Days of Our Lives Interrupted By The Summer Olympics

Stupid summer Olympics.

Just as things are getting good, in come the Summer Olympics, and Days of Our Lives will not be seen for two straight weeks!  Two weeks!

I've always hated the Olympics for messing with my TV programming, but I honestly don't remember DOOL being interrupted for more than a few days at a time.

This is almost like a season finale, and the writers sure decided to treat it as such.

Friday's episode was action packed, with more happening in a single episode than often happens over the course of a month!

Of course, the huge explosion at the very end of the episode, which showed half of Salem blowing up is the major story.  Will Sami survive the fall from the warehouse balcony?  Will Dr. Dan be okay after being smashed to bits by the world's biggest chandelier?  What about Abby plummeting to her premature death in an elevator?  Will Nicole's baby be OK?  It better be.  I can't stand to see this poor woman lose another child!

How will those in the tunnels fair?  The explosion happened moments after Brady found Melanie, and he through himself on her, forming a human shield around her, but what will happen to him?

And what of Gaby, Chad and her lunatic stalker for hire Andrew, who seemed to be at the epicenter of the explosion?

In the real world, it's unlikely that any of these people would survive, but this is Days of Our Lives, and I highly doubt half the cast is leaving the show on the same day.  I could scour the internet for spoilers, checking out who's contract is up and such, but I don't like knowing what's going to happen in advance.

Half the fun is trying to predict where things are going, and congratulating yourself on being so astute when you happen to get it right!

Once the dust settles and we figure out who made it, who died and who's in the hospital, there will still be many other issues to deal with.

Who is trying to frame EJ Dimera for Stefano's murder?  I was thinking Ian McAllister, but I'm starting to have a sneaking suspicion that maybe, just maybe... it's Stefano himself.  You heard it here first.

In the mean time, how much trouble will Sami be in over trying to help EJ escape, so he can "clear his name?"  Well, this was one heck of a genius plan, now wasn't it?  (She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.)

I am excited to see that it seems like this means the end of the dull-as-a-doorknob relationship between Lucas and Sami, and that this should mean she'll soon be back with EJ where she belongs.

Oh and oh what fun we'll have when the sh*t finally hits the fan for Gaby?!  I know Melanie's supposed to leave the show, but I really hope it won't be in a body bag, because I'd really like to see the scene when she finds out what her alleged friend did just to get her hands on Chad.

Can you say C-R-A-Z-Y?

Anyway, it will be a whole two weeks before me know anything... Boo.  Oh well, it will give me a chance to catch up on the close to 100 hours of TV I have waiting on the PVR!

I guess to the stars and staff of Days of Our Lives... Enjoy your vacation!

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